Hey there!

I'm Deanna


This is the place for hopeless healing seekers who want to free their time, energy, and finances from complicated protocols and pricey tests that have dead-ended and finally uncover the individualized path their body needs for deep healing, both now and through the curveballs life will throw your way later, too.

Welcome here.

Let me guess: you’re here because you’re STILL looking for answers. You’re done with spending so much time and energy on healing protocols that haven’t even worked. You’ve tried (what seems like) all of them and you’re still not anywhere near where you want to be. You’re more than ready for the answers that will finally allow you to experience deep healing once and for all.

You’re not alone.

Every day, I work with clients who are right where you are now. And I was once there myself.

You’ve seen many others healing and know you should be able to also. You have tried similar healing avenues as they have and don't understand why none of them are working for you. You’re feeling so burned out and frustrated, wondering if your healing will ever happen.

That’s where I come in.


Let me guess: you’re here because you’re STILL looking for answers. You’re done with spending so much time and energy on healing protocols that haven’t even worked. You’ve tried (what seems like) all of them and still you’re not anywhere near where you want to be. You’re more than ready for the answers that will finally allow you to experience deep healing once and for all.

You’ve seen many others healing and know you should be able to also. You have tried similar healing avenues as they have and don't understand why none of them are working for you.  You’re feeling so burned out and frustrated, wondering if it will ever happen.

That’s where I come in.

Every day, I work with clients who are right where you are now. And I was once there myself.

You’re not alone.

Take a deep breath...


Here’s why I get what you’re going through…

For 4+ years, I was striving to heal, until I figured out how to THRIVE AND HEAL -- yes, both at the same time!

In 2012, my health started to unravel. My symptom list quickly out-paced any healing progress I was making. I enlisted the help of well-renowned practitioners, uncovering diagnoses of mold illness & chronic Lyme disease, but even years into the journey, my healing progress didn’t match the work we were putting into it.

I followed every tedious protocol perfectly, fully committed to elimination & healing diets (often combining them for the "best results"), traveled out of state to see practitioners, and went into debt for healing. When something didn’t work, I kept trying harder and longer, always searching for the next best option to layer on. I committed all my spare time and MORE to healing.

Sound familiar?

Finally, in 2016, I discovered my breakthrough…

Healing comes from within us, not outside of us.

All this time, I had it wrong. I wasn’t going to achieve my healing through the exact combination of diets and supplements at the right time, in a precise order, with the perfect amount of perfection.

I actually had to let all of that go to heal.

Yep - the greatest amount of healing came when I let those things go…

I started looking within myself. Reconnecting to my inner wisdom. Sitting with truths inside of me. Releasing lies I subconsciously believed.

I couldn’t believe it when, for the first time in years, I started feeling real, true joy again. When it arose in its fullness inside of me (after years of feeling dull & struggling to get through each day), I didn’t even know what it was. I allowed it to bubble up, and with a huge sigh of relief, I smiled and allowed myself to float on the feeling of it all.

My physical symptoms started improving, too. The intense fatigue and brain fog, feelings of physical heaviness, digestive distress, weakness, blood sugar control, swelling, and so many of the other lingering symptoms began to lift.

I knew I had discovered how to access the kind of healing I didn’t even know I wanted or needed. It was already exceeding my expectations. For the last eight years, I have continued to be amazed at the healing we can unlock from within.

This brings me to you...

If you’re not getting the healing results you would expect, it isn’t because you’re not trying hard enough.

It’s because you’ve been searching outside of yourself when the answers are really within you.

Let’s change that.
True, lasting healing using a mind-body-soul approach provides healing for you now and prepares you to continue on a growth journey for the rest of your life.

The tools will be yours to tap into over and over as life throws you the inevitable curveballs.

Don’t be surprised if your healing also rubs off onto those around you.
If you’re not getting the healing results you would expect, it isn’t because you’re not trying hard enough.

It’s because you’ve been searching outside of yourself when the answers are really within you.

Let’s change that.

True, lasting healing using a mind-body-soul approach provides healing for you now and prepares you to continue on a growth journey for the rest of your life.

The tools will be yours to tap into over and over as life throws you the inevitable curveballs.

Don’t be surprised if your healing also rubs off onto those around you.


I take a holistic approach to self-healing...

I believe healing can be accessible to
everyone (it's limitless) and it comes from within.

I believe our bodies have innate wisdom to heal and an affinity to health that comes naturally when safe and supported.

I believe healing flows when we put a stop to the friction and resistance created from trying too hard.

a few of

My Favorite Things...

Best words to describe me:


Favorite Treat:



FavORite Season:


multi-passionate, always a student, advocate, Questioner.

daily dark chocolate.

black organic dark roast or americano (protein coffee at home).

without a doubt!

weight lifting, hiking, gardening.

world traveler...
Yes, please!

sunshine, all the way, all the time!!!